Jay: I meet different types of students in the class. How many types of people are there, Grandma?
Grandma: Generally, there are only two types (or castes) of people in this world, the good and the bad (Gita 16.06). Most people have both good and bad qualities. If you have more good qualities, you are called a good person, and if you have more bad qualities, you are called a bad person.
Jay: If I want to be a good person, what qualities must I have?
Grandma: You must be honest, nonviolent, truthful, without anger, calm, without harmful talk, kind, not greedy, gentle, forgiving, and humble. These are also called divine qualities because they lead us to God.
Jay: What bad habits should I avoid?
Grandma: Hypocrisy, telling lies, arrogance, pride, jealousy, selfishness, anger, greed, harshness, ungratefulness, and violence these are bad qualities because they lead us away from God. Bad qualities also lead us to do bad things and get us into trouble.
Do not be friends with people who have bad qualities because they do not know what to do and what not to do. Always be grateful to those who have helped you. Ingratitude is a great sin for which there is no remedy. Desire, anger, and greed are very destructive. Lord Krishna calls these the three gates to hell (Gita 16.21).
Jay: How can I know what to do and what not to do?
Grandma: Follow your holy books, Jay. Saints and sages tell us what to do and what not to do in our holy books. Have faith in God, and listen to your parents and elders. We should develop as many good habits as possible. But no one has only good habits and no bad habits. Good Lord usually puts good and bad habits in the same package.
Chapter 16 summary:
Generally, there are only two types of human beings: the good or divine and the bad or demonic. Most people have both good and bad qualities. Getting rid of bad habits and cultivating good habits are necessary for spiritual progress.